Biotope - Typologie Européenne EUNIS

C3.42 - Niveau 4 : Communautés amphibies méditerranéo-atlantiques
C3.422 - Niveau 5 : Grandes communautés amphibies méditerranéennes
Formations of Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic entirely or partially summer-dry ponds, pools, ditches and springs, developed on terrain covered by deep waters during long periods, composed of an admixture of small annuals and of tall perennials or annuals, in particular, of genera Mentha (Mentha cervina, Mentha longifolia) and Eryngium (Eryngium corniculatum).
Eryngium L., 1753 ( Esp. caract. )
Mentha cervina L., 1753 ( Esp. caract. )
Mentha L., 1753 ( Esp. caract. )
Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds., 1762 ( Esp. caract. )
Analyse Ecologie du milieu (En fonction des espèces présentent)