Biotope - Typologie Européenne EUNIS

E5.5 - Niveau 3 : Formations subalpines humides ou mouilleuses à grandes herbacées et à fougères
Cardiidae sp., Cardiidae sp., Carex sp., Cirsium helenioides auct. non (L.) Hill, 1768, sensu K.Werner, Corallinaceae sp., Corallinaceae sp., Corallinaceae sp., Crisiidae sp., Doronicum austriacum Jacq., 1774, Draba sp., Festuca sp., Mytilus sp., Nematoda sp., Nepthys sp., Oligochaeta sp., Phillodocea sp., Polydora sp., Porifera sp., Ranunculus platanifolius L., 1767, Ranunculus platanifolius L., 1767, Saxifraga sp.,
E5.52 - Niveau 4 : Communautés à grandes graminées alpiennes
Communities of the montane and subalpine levels of high and moderately high mountains of the Alpine system and neighbouring ranges, dominated by tall grasses, accompanied by a species cortège similar to that of the subalpine tall-herb communities. They are bound to both siliceous and carbonate substrates. Characteristic species: Calamagrostis arundinacea, Calamagrostis villosa, Deschampsia cespitosa. In the Carpathians they are represented by a very high number of associations included in the alliances Calamagrostion villosae, Trisetion fusci, Festucion carpaticae and Calamagrostion arundinaceae.
Analyse Ecologie du milieu (En fonction des espèces présentent)