Biotope - Typologie Européenne EUNIS

F2.3 - Niveau 3 : Fourrés subalpins caducifoliés
Cirratulidae sp., Nemertea sp., Pectinariidae sp., Polychaeta sp., Polysiphonia sp., Tharyx sp., Ulva sp.,
F2.33 - Niveau 4 : Fourrés subalpins mixtes
Communities of the subalpine zone, of the tree-limit, and sometimes of the montane zone, of higher nemoral mountains of the western Alpine system and its associated ranges (Carpathians) mainly of alliances Calamagrostion villosae and Trisetion fusci dominated by tall or medium shrubs, for the most part Rosaceae species (of genera Rubus, Sorbus, Amelanchier, Potentilla), Betula or tall Vaccinium, Salix helvetica, Salix kitaibeliana and grasses Calamagrostis villosa and Deschampsia cespitosa often accompanied by tall herbs characteristic of the subalpine tall herb communities (unit E5.5), or by subalpine heaths, such as the Juniperus nana-Arctostaphylos uva-ursi heaths.
Analyse Ecologie du milieu (En fonction des espèces présentent)